A Collection of Articles, Links, and Downloads to Encourage Reading and Writing


Benefits of Reading to Children

What’s Going on in Your Child’s Brain When You Read Them a Story (NPR)

Why Reading Aloud to Kids Helps Them Thrive (PBS)

Benefits of Reading to Children (Rasmussen College)

Reading Aloud Has Benefits for Behavior and Attention (NYT)


Encouraging Reading

Raising Kids Who Want to Read Even During the Summer (NPR)

Strategies to Make Reading a Habit (NPR)

Q & A Raising Kids Who Want to Read (NPR)

Reading Lists Grouped by Age (Brightly)


Benefits of Writing

Writing Adventure (by Brooke Anderson) is a collection of information about the benefits of writing and also tips and ideas about how to encourage writing with your children.  You can download it as an ebook by clicking below.


Encouraging Writing

Parents as Partners in Promoting Writing among Children and Youth (NCTE)

Tips for Creative Writing for Kids (BookFox)

Writing Prompts for Kids (Think Written)

Encouraging Children to Pursue Their Writing Dreams (Medium/Kat Morris)

Storytelling for Children (CDI)

Storytelling and Problem Solving for Young Children (Northwestern University)

Podcasts for Kids (Fatherly) – Some of these are writing and storytelling and some are other subjects.


Downloadable Resources

Writing Prompts for Kids (Think Written)

Journaling Sheets and Writing Games (BA Writer)



Note:  This is a collection of articles and information collected from a variety of sources as a set of resources.  The information in these articles and links are not necessarily the views of BA Writer.